
With over 22 years in the classroom, over 15 years advocating for students, educators, and parents, and as a parent of two boys who graduated from Pinellas County Schools, Brad DeCorte knows the importance of school safety, academic success, equity in education, and community involvement on the impact to the success of all students.

As a member of the Pinellas County School Board, Brad DeCorte will work to ensure that every student and staff member will have access to:

A Healthy, Safe, and Secure Environment:

· Wraparound Services which will help ensure the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of our students, staff, and faculty
· Equitable disciplinary structures, such as the use of Restorative Practices

Academic Success:

· Early childhood education programs
· Reduced time testing, allowing teachers to teach and students to learn
· Restored autonomy to professional educators to provide students with the instruction that they need to be successful, instead of scripted lessons

Equity and Excellence of Education:

· Investment in recruiting and retaining diverse educators and staff to serve a diverse student body
· Creating an environment where employees feel respected and recognized for a job well done
· Ensuring that all students deserve the academic and behavioral support needed to reach their potential

Community Involvement:

· Increasing Board transparency with a return to the streaming of public comments at board meetings
· Working in tandem with parents to meet the needs of our students